Baltinglass and the surrounding area is rich in archaeological and historical sites. On the highest point of the hill north-east of the village lies a passage grave from the stone age, whose outer walls are finished in chalk not native to the area. On bright days is said to be visible from Kildare’s Curragh 48 km (30 mi) away. To the north end of the village on the weir of the River Slaney lies the ruins of an ancient monastery that has had many additions over the centuries; the original church is said to date from around 700 A.D.
The Town contains a significant amount of natural, archaeological and built heritage; including the archaeological sites of the Baltinglass Hills, Baltinglass Abbey and St.Mary’s Church, the River Slaney Special Area of conservation and a large amount of buildings of architectural and historical merit, many of which are located in the town centre. The Town’s rich and historic heritage makes a significant contribution to its distinct character.
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