Castleruddery Circle is 1/2 km west of Glen Lounge cross roads, on the left hand side. There is a stile into the farmland. Directly across the Glen Road from the Stone Circle is the site of an early Irish Castle with symmetrically terraced earthen slopes leading to a flat field and towards an artificial fish pond. Best viewed from the lower (west) cross roads leading Donard. Also SW of this cross is the Castleruddery Motte and Bailey best admired from the Glen road approximately 200 meters from that cross.
A well preserved ceremonial circle stands four and half km south of Donard village in Castleruddery Lower. This site consists of an inner circle (originally continuous) of twenty nine large stones, some standing erect, others lying surrounded by a flat earthen bank. Two extremely large quartz boulders on the eastern side, possibly mark the entrance. Locally, the circle is thought to have special healing properties.
Castleruddery Bronze Age stone circle and Medieval Motte are situated about 4 km south-west of Donard.